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Big Tony’s tragic departure

November 27, 2024 by
Big Tony’s tragic departure
360 actu

First of all, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to Gerardo Viens and his family for the loss of his son Big Tony.

It is important to note that no official cause of death has been reported by the authorities to date. We cannot therefore pronounce on the exact circumstances of the death of the Tiktokeur Big Tony which was confirmed by his family.

Rest forever.

Indignation from the middle

(Note: Nothing mentioned below is incriminating. "The cause will be determined by the COMPETENT authorities in due time." The elements listed in this text are only facts and not a subjective or legal opinion.)

On a less jovial note, we find that people have been lacking in judgment and respect following the announcement of his death. It is true that the news of his death has shaken the Quebec hip-hop and influencer industry, causing pain and anger.

Some, like rapper Natty Soyha, point to the glorification of drug use. 

Her friend Alexandra Mailhot utters a cry from the heart: The two horned angels are together forever!​

Under the spotlight, the Journal du Hip-Hop is accused of hypocrisy and of seeking the "easy click". C-Drik did not hide to make his dissatisfaction clear to the Journal du Hip-Hop about the implication of the causes of his death.

And as for unnecessary comments, in Quebec we are champions of them, as shown in the photo below:


The glorification of consumption: a societal scourge

Recently, Dice B, a legend of Montreal hip-hop, addressed this topic on his radio show Nuit blanche with one of his guests.

Indeed, the glorification of substance use is a major problem in our society. Shows like "Le temps d'un jujube" only accentuate this phenomenon.

Moreover, following the death of Big Tony, "Le temps d'un jujube" has erased the podcast #139 from the airwaves and their official YouTube channel. However, copies of the interview exist on the web, including audio copies.

Clearly, the guys didn’t want that heat on them. According to one of our informants, the relevance and legality of this type of broadcast will be under review by the authorities in the coming weeks.


The appearance of OTT in a deplorable state during this program is a striking example. Unfortunately, it is not an isolated case.


Journalist Dany Tétreault reported that on January 17, 2024 , Adamo saved Big Tony’s life by reviving him at the event "Le temps d'un jujube". Big Tony explained that he was on drugs and did not have his pump for his asthma, making the situation worse.


Corporate responsibility

Companies such as Kartel Musik, Club Soda, Le Rhum Rosemont, Le Kampus, Aurum & Crystallini, Sweet Magik, MagikWoodz, Le Green Room and Cbet were all sponsors of an event that highlights the glorification of consumption. 

People tend to forget the legislation. Let us all remember that the Cannabis Act is in place in Canada.

Regarding the advertising and promotion of cannabis in Quebec, the following are the relevant references related to sections 17 to 24 of the Cannabis Act (S.C. 2018, c. 16):

Article 17: Prohibits the promotion of cannabis, any accessory or service related to cannabis, except in specific cases.

Article 18: Prohibits misleading promotion of the characteristics, health effects or use of cannabis.

Article 19: Prohibits the promotion of cannabis through attestations or testimonials, or the association of cannabis with a person, character or animal, real or fictional.

Article 20: Prohibits promotion of cannabis or its accessories in a manner that is attractive to youth.

Article 21: Restrict promotion in sports or cultural facilities, and at sponsored (sponsored) events.

Article 22: Prohibits the publication, distribution or distribution of prohibited promotions.

Article 23: Prohibits promotion using false or misleading information about cannabis, its accessories or related services.

Article 24: Limits the promotion of information and brand preference to specific places and means, inaccessible to young people.

Individual and collective responsibility

It is crucial to reflect on our individual and collective responsibility in dealing with these issues. The dissemination and sharing of unverified information contributes to misinformation and can have serious consequences. As a society, we must denounce them.

This tragic event should prompt us to reflect on our behaviour and our role in spreading misinformation and normalizing dangerous practices.

It is essential that we collectively become aware of the impact of our actions and messages. As a society, we must commit to speak out against misinformation and promote healthy behaviours. 

Big Tony, we wish you a good rest forever.

May your memory serve as an alarm to raise awareness among youth and encourage open discussions about the dangers of drugs.




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